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Cohasset Historical Society (EIN-04-6113184) is a nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of IRS Code.

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Fund an Intern

Historical Society interns are the engine that helps to keep our mission moving ahead. They respond to research requests, document, and historically verify items that come into our collection every day. Interns are deeply involved in our initiative to digitize our collection. Help us ensure their continued success by considering funding a paid internship!

Fund an intern

Fund the Restoration of Our Collection

Some of the items in our collection need professional conservation treatment. Please consider a donation to help us keep our objects around for the next generation to enjoy.

fund this restoration project

Fund Digitization Project

Cohasset Historical Society has nearly 30,000 individual objects accessioned into our collection, including artwork, thousands of photographs, documents, maps, and a major textile collection. Today’s museums are faced with finding solutions to these main issues: protecting and preserving artifacts, especially documents; space for housing and displaying the collection; and how to stay relevant to the communities we serve. 

Cohasset Historical Society has made the decision to embark on the long, but necessary, project of creating a digital library for our archives and collections. The Society has spent 2021 researching and evaluating online museum collection management platforms with the aim of making the Society’s collections more accessible for research and public viewing online. It is likely that the entire project will take 10 years.

We recognize that we need to focus now on presenting the fascinating collection—in ways that are much more accessible, to students of all ages, researchers, and general history enthusiasts. By visibly connecting people to Cohasset’s past, we help remind fellow citizens of the responsibility we all hold to be stewards of this beautiful town. We also continue to collect and preserve artifacts from the past, as life in Cohasset today becomes history in the future! 

The accessible online library will make our extensive collection searchable, and help it gain deserved recognition in the world of historical collections. 

fund the digitization project

Donate with Amazon Smile!

Help us further our mission to collect, preserve, and exhibit Cohasset’s past using Amazon Smile. 0.05% of qualifying Amazon purchases will be donated to the Cohasset Historical Society. Use the button or select Cohasset Historical Society on to support!


The mission of the Cohasset Historical Society is to collect, preserve, exhibit, and educate the public about the history of Cohasset and the region.